April 13, 2024
Pretty little things from Asheville 🫶
1. The woods
2. The truth
3. The most beautiful + abundant tree at @the.reprogrammed.parent ‘s house
4. I ate fried chicken for the first time in years and it was delicious, that’s all. Thanks @home.sweet.asheville.realtor
and @jdillest
5. No caption needed 🎶
6. Bacon floret on an 80° day @motheravl
7. The mountains
8. Tiny buds on trees and springtime.
9. Pottery.
10. Daffodils.
Confession: When I’m in Asheville I switch off the part of my brain that is turned on all the time in Rome that takes pictures of beautiful things and notices and observes everything (or most things) in exquisite detail.
One of the reasons is that I’m generally with other people when I’m out in the world. And it feels important to try my damndest to be present and also I don’t “need” the #content, per se.
But here I am, sharing pretty yummy things.
My heart is so full from this trip that it feels like it’s bursting. Life feels strange, tender, mysterious, gorgeous. It’s been all the things and I’m just marinating in a sense of gratitude for this beautiful place I’m from, and much more importantly: the beautiful humans in it.
Asheville, you pretty. Thanks for all of it.