August 2, 2020
L’estate Italiana 2020. Italian Summer 2020.
My goodness it’s been both simple and yet complex. Overwhelmingly easy to understand and impossible to convey at the exact same time. A little like life, really. Like most of us, I’ve been swinging like a pendulum from feeling totally content in the moment to feeling extremely off kilter and like I’m about to fall off the edge of the earth. As I comb my way through this bizarre (understatement?) year I find myself returning again and again to the undeniable truth that we’ve never known what the future holds anyway. I’ve spent this summer (thus far) living in the present in a way I always thought I did before but I’m realizing maybe the whole thing was just practice up until this very moment.
I’ve been fortunate, lucky, charmed enough to be able to see some truly beautiful parts of Italy this summer. I’ve spent more time in the sea than I have in dusty ruins, which is an undeniable first for me. This is the summer that I finally ‘get’ summer. Summer 2020, despite it all, I think I kinda like ya.