December 22, 2020

Golden hour magic and just like that- the days start getting longer again!

Winter Solstice was yesterday. The great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn was too. I woke up today feeling (characteristically) optimistic about the future.

The longer I live, the more fortunate I feel to have been born with the disposition I have. Why yes, there are a few long months of winter ahead of us- but- the days will be longer! In the meantime we get to be cozy! And drink hot drinks! And also summer is basically just around the corner!

Optimism is partially nature and partially nurture. A quick story: I was out in the city a few weeks ago and it started raining, but there were still sunny parts of the sky. Because I understand weather and weather patterns a tiny bit, I commented that there would probably be a rainbow. A friend laughed at me and said how much she admires my constant positivity. It hadn’t even occurred to me in that moment that I was being optimistic. It felt like a very real observation and sure enough, there was a rainbow in the sky as the rain sprinkled down.

All that to say. Yes, it’s been a weird year. Yes, it’s been a lot. Yes, we are all going through our own variety of growing and stretching and bending and breaking. Yes, it can be uncomfortable. But in the end, there will be rainbows when it rains and there will be longer brighter days from now on, even in the middle of winter.

In other news, it’s 3 days until Christmas and I miss my family and friends in NC so much it’s palpable. And? And I am oh so grateful for friends who feel like family and all the magic and wonder that this magnificent city continues to offer me. Every. Single. Day.

Rachel Zitin

American girl living in Rome, living a healthy balance between wellness and wine, yoga and la dolce vita, sharing embodiment practices and real life tools to help you live your best life.


December 26, 2020


December 20, 2020