December 29, 2020
Tonight is the last full moon of 2020!
We’ve made it. I wanted to write a grand post reflecting on all the grand things that have changed for me this year. Perhaps I still will, later this week. For now, for today, I’m thinking about how many full moons this magnificent building has seen in its lifetime.
There is something a bit comical about standing in front of the Pantheon, built nearly 2,000 years ago, with an iPhone taking a picture. I especially like how tiny I look. Just little me and a grand temple with grand columns and an understated sense of bravado. Doesn’t it put this current moment in history into perspective?
We are not the first to experience change and catastrophe. There have been plagues, war, destruction, chaos. There has been love, times of peace, unity, human kindness. All of it simply happening around this building as it went from pagan temple to Catholic Church, from being in a city of less than 50,000 people to a city of over 3 million.
Can we say goodbye to this wild year with just the tiniest smidge of tenderness? Too all the tiny moments where we felt the vastness a little too potently. Too the moments when we were dwarfed by the grandeur of this year. To the moments where we learned something new. Too all of it