December 3, 2021
It’s been awhile since I’ve written a spontaneous love letter to this city of mine 💛
I love:
-the reflection of the city in that window
-the closed blue-painted shutters
-the open shutters
-the oranges and terracottas and salmons and ochres and pinks and marigolds of the buildings
-the bright blue sky
-the motorino in the foreground and the fact that it’s chilly outside so it has a leg coverer (is that the official term?) attached to it
-the “think poetic” graffiti
-the typeface on the Taverna Giulia sign
I’ve been tour guiding a lot recently and it’s been delightful and also it’s made me realize that not-guiding made me fall in love with this perfect city even more than I was before. In fact, 2020 was my pinnacle year of adoring Rome. Thus far. As I get ready to make a much-overdue trip back to visit all my nearest and dearests in NC (next week!!) I feel this slightly manic desire to go and see and do and eat all the things. To see all the friends here and do all the things as if I’m leaving for more than a vacation. But what I’m coming to terms with, like currently, real time, is that Rome will always be here hence the whole “Eternal City” thing and I can leave her just as I found her and not much will change and that’s pretty damn comforting, at the end of the day.