February 25, 2022
“What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured.” -Kurt Vonnegut
Is it frivolous to post pictures of a sun-drenched piazza? I s’pose it could be considered frivolous on any day.
This photo makes me think about #community.
Piazzas make me think about community. About sitting around with people who think different from us and sharing sunshine or sharing a coffee or sharing a meal.
Piazza culture and sharing space with strangers outside is one of my very favorite parts of Italy.
It encourages community building, it discourages isolation. Thanks Vonnegut, you nailed it with the above quote.
One thing I know: There’s a lot of pain in the world these days/all days, these years/all years. There’s also a lot of joy.
It breaks my heart that war still exists, yet it has existed all along.
We humans are strange creatures. History shows we have always had a violent streak. War, like pandemics, like all the things we are collectively going through have existed throughout history. I’m not saying that to marginalize current suffering but merely to acknowledge the large arch of human existence.
And I’m not saying I have (any) answers, but I do know that community and surrounding yourself with love and actively seeking community if you feel you don’t have enough, well— those are all beautiful pursuits.
If you live somewhere where there’s a piazza, maybe strike up a conversation with a stranger, allow connection to transport you and transform you. Allow community to weave its way through your very essence.
Sending oh so much love to anyone who might be feeling a little hopeless. Online community counts too, so reach out to those that you love today 💛