June 14, 2021

Golden hour and a glass of rosè from Puglia. Pretty damn dreamy. And I could just leave it at that ✨

Cause honestly? I feel like I’ve run out of things to say. But also? I feel words constantly spilling out of me. I am in a state where I oscillate between disbelief at how magic my life is and a recognition of the blood sweat (so, so much sweat) and tears that have been shed to arrive at this place.

The more confidence I build in the world of wellness and yoga teaching, the less I am concerned about the way I come off to the world. Yoga, yes please. Wine, also yes please and thank you. Occasional breaks from my personal deeper spiritual practices (even while I’m still teaching regularly)? Also pretty okay. Deciding I don’t really care that much about doing tours at all anymore and then leading a tour with someone obsessed with Classics and finding myself re-enamored with ancient history? Yeah, that happened last week too. So, here I am. Back at it again. Occasionally I think I’m doing too much/too many things all at once. Often I’m probably right. But my goodness and hot damn with all that’s going in the world these days I recognize again and again: how very human we all are. We all are complex or we all are simple or maybe a bit of both. I think we all find ourselves questioning if what we’re doing is right, right? And yeah. I think generally it just is. And this feel obvious but Ima write it anyway: the more confident we are in who we are, the less we care what others think about us.

Rachel Zitin

American girl living in Rome, living a healthy balance between wellness and wine, yoga and la dolce vita, sharing embodiment practices and real life tools to help you live your best life.


June 18, 2021


June 11, 2021