June 25, 2024
Summer and halfway through the year and oh f**k have I been doing enough and have you and are we okay and do we have to compare ourselves to all these other people on the internet also pretending they’re okay?
Nope. We don’t. We can just enjoy the process. Have a little more fun. Invite a little more lightness. Be a little less attached to all the outcomes we’re (understandably but perhaps unnecessarily) attached to. Be a little less ‘perfect’.
Practice unbridled optimism ☀️
Did anyone else have an insane week last week? This is rhetorical. At least 20 (maybe even 30!) people wrote me saying they were having weird weeks. Here to confirm: me too. Something in the stars? Full moon in Capricorn? The longest day of the year? I spent last week in a state of constant nausea which was exacerbated by a 102° day and I was spread very thin, which is rare for me because I’m used to having pretty boundless energy. It was a delightful lil’ exercise in taking care of myself with limited time and resources to do so.
I shared about that on my stories. And sometimes even sharing that feels weird because the truth about the internet: No matter how open and vulnerable and real we are on here, it is still partially a construct.
This is me on a boat last July, and the dreaminess of the Mediterranean Sea last August, and a collection of memes that communicate this:
You’re doing it right. Practice optimism like you’d practice any other skill, allow yourself to fail at it, and then start again. Try having a good time, when you can.
It’s been a longtime since I’ve quoted @glennondoyle and maybe it’s passé but I’ll leave you with this:
“Being human is not hard because you’re doing it wrong it’s hard because you’re doing it right. You will never change the fact that being human is hard, so you must change your idea that it was ever supposed to be easy”
Reminder: you’re doing it right. Sending big love to you wherever you are (mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically) 🫶