March 17, 2023

Unfiltered 📸

This picture is me. She’s a little wild. She’s the Rachel you’ll meet if you come on retreat with me, the me that wants to coach you into feeling things in your body (and coming back to your truest most authentic self), the me that screams ‘yes’ to new experiences, the me that isn’t scared to post (mostly) naked pictures of myself on the internet.

Raw, unfiltered, playful, slightly irreverent me.

It took time to find this Rachel, but she’s bold and kinda loud and a little “too much” and she’s also soft and squishy and real delicate, at times. Like all of us.

All of us.

I want *you* to feel deliciously authentic and alive in your body.

And? I’ve been a little disconnected from the me in this picture this past month. I’ve been working as a tour guide a lot, sending invoices, sending emails, paying taxes, catching up on life, re-doing my website, getting branding done, finding myself, losing myself, hustling.

You know, normal life things.

I still love showing people around Rome, but I’d rather show people how to explore themselves.

I’m gonna keep guiding— it’s a safety net I can’t shake off quite yet. And in doing so, I’m going to filter myself less. Hospitality is a tricky industry, but I do believe that when we’re authentic, the right people stick around— whether they’re clients or friends or colleagues or lovers.

Here’s to being a little wild, a little more real, and to investing deeper in the things and the attitude that makes your heart pitter-patter in your chest.

What does the unfiltered version of you look like? I’d love to hear one thing that feels authentic about you to *you*

Rachel Zitin

American girl living in Rome, living a healthy balance between wellness and wine, yoga and la dolce vita, sharing embodiment practices and real life tools to help you live your best life.


March 23, 2023


March 12, 2023