March 31, 2024
Spring. Transformation. Home.
1. “The” picture 🐰
2. Thoughts on home and change.
3. Gratuitous use of a Thomas Wolfe quote on a satellite Italy map that captures me: my heart firmly planted in two places.
4 & 5 & 6 & 7. On home and trauma and bodies and healing and pleasure (always)
8. Golden hour forest at my parent’s house this morning.
Holidays are a lovely reminder that everything can (and does) change in 365 days.
Last Easter, I had a huge feast with some of my best friends in a tiny Italian town off the Mediterranean coast (a romantic to say: Argentario, my Italian home away from home).
My @ladygroove pictures were sitting in my photostream unposted. How to caption a picture that is so much more than that? The vulnerability. Stripping back layers of my own shame, showing myself. My whole self. Literally. Lots of things that might trigger others. Lots of things I still had to process.
I posted and captioned it “buona pasqua 🐰” (Happy Easter). I didn’t look at my phone again. I feasted and went to the sea and spent time with people I love.
I lost 100s of followers, got a lot of positive and negative comments, had a lot of questions.
Someone recently told me that this picture captures *me* in my very essence. It was an easy compliment to receive (wouldn’t have been a year ago). Me in my ‘too-much-ness’, my energy, my heart on display.
Today I’m in Asheville. I’m weaving my professional life into my existence here. I’m questioning things that I haven’t articulated “publicly”. About where I belong, what I’m doing in life, what my mission is, who I am (now), what I want moving forward.
Seeing how and where to teach the Italian things I’ve learned to the Americans I love. Considering wellness across cultures.
An Italian summer is around the corner and I will bask in the Mediterranean and watch golden hour light flicker over Roman buildings and lead retreats that allow women to embody their bodies. I will allow the whisper of the mountains to lure me back more frequently and I will remember that things change, constantly. I will remember that I am always home in myself.
Buona pasqua 🐰🐰🐰