November 19, 2021

Crescent lunge, full moon, full plate, full heart!

My goodness, the overwhelm, right? One of my favorite things about connection is being able to find patterns across friend groups, time zones, countries, lifestyles, realities. It allows for so much expansion and opportunity (individually, and I’d like to think collectively too). And so, my extremely non-official research has led me to believe we’re all a tiny bit overwhelmed. Maybe it’s the holidays coming up? Or family responsibilities? Or too much work or having to go back to the office or any long grocery list of the things that ‘should’ be getting done and somehow feel like they’re not? Or it’s not happening fast enough?

Or maybe it’s the actual simple reality of being alive during this truly bizarre moment in human history, and frankly, that’s a damn good excuse too.

So I meant to make this post about yoga: and the fact is, it’s still about yoga. I’m teaching less this winter than I have in the past few years. To be honest, my personal practice has gone from a luxurious 1.5-2 hours per day to… well, less then that. But the thing about yoga is that it keeps seeping in and working its magic. The thing I’m still learning and processing and embodying is simple and yet I don’t even fully get it, therefore it feels big to try to articulate it. Yoga gives me the tools to see the world through slightly less overwhelmed eyes. Yoga gives me the strength to sit with the less than pretty moments in life. Yoga gives me the ability to take deeper breaths and stay with what is. It feels cheesy but hey- It truly is the lessons you take with you off the mat.

What’s the point?
✨Get out and get some sunshine on you this weekend if you can.
✨Take deep breaths/ feel your body
✨Recognize that everything, even overwhelm, is temporary.

I’ll be over here, immersing myself in a long weekend of studying body-oriented coaching and I couldn’t be more excited to (eventually) share all the things I’m learning with you/with the world 🌎

Rachel Zitin

American girl living in Rome, living a healthy balance between wellness and wine, yoga and la dolce vita, sharing embodiment practices and real life tools to help you live your best life.


November 23, 2021


November 18, 2021