August 18, 2023
My beautiful friend @elisarossi named a @bymilaner bag after me and it’s adorable and summer-y and more than anything it makes me feel oh so very lucky 🌞
Lucky to get to live this life. Luckier for all the amazing humans I get to live it with.
I spend a lot of time writing about and talking about and thinking about cultural differences and cultural similarities.
🇺🇸 & 🇮🇹
It’s that time of year where my two cultures (American and Italian) are in opposition.
In Italy, it’s still piena-estate (the middle of summer) and the days are leisurely and sun-soaked. The whole country is on vacation and it feels like we’re in slow motion. Need to get anything done? Va bene, aspettiamo settembre. We’re all still in summer mode, where time barely exists.
In direct opposition of that, the other half of my world is getting into “back-to-school” mode. America, as observed through my instagram (a trusty source, duh) feels like fall is already arriving, leaves starting to drop, an extra sweater in your bag at night.
I’m at the beach right now, lazy days, no plans.
Next week I start working again (teaching yoga, coaching clients, tour guiding) and I’m not quite ready to let go of summer. Surprise, surprise.
But for the first time in a long time: I’m also deliciously excited about fall and cozy season and the two retreats I’m co-leading in October {links in bio}
If you’ve read this ramble this far, thank you. I don’t have a good bow to tie it up with, all I can say is this:
May as well enjoy the present moment. Whether it’s almost fall in your world or you’ll still in the dog days of summer. This is what we’ve got. I love you. You’re doing it right ☀️