August 7, 2021
“The truth is: Belonging starts with self-acceptance. Your level of belonging, in fact, can never be greater than your level of self-acceptance, because believing that you’re enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic, vulnerable and imperfect.” @brenebrown
Oh me? Just sitting in absolute awe, border-lining on astonishment at the absolute magnificence that was the 13 women that @lauratalafer and I just spent the week leading and teaching (and learning so much from too). I’m in so much awe that I can’t quite put it all into words.
There was so much joy in this group of women. So many breakthroughs. So much light and wisdom and love and truth. There were so many laughs and also plenty of tears. Let’s be honest- there was plenty of yoga and meditation and also plenty of wine. Like most things in my own life there was balance and contrast.
So? There’s an endless amount of words and pictures and thoughts and feelings that I want to share after this week.
No but seriously, get ready. Literally endless.
But the biggest upshot? My own realization that is making my jaw drop open and also ache from smiling: what a damn delight to watch women step into their own belonging and what a damn honor to feel and see and know that at least a little part of it was from our leadership and encouragement. To know, as Brene’s quote would suggest, that we are all capable of being authentic and vulnerable and I’m going to modify that last line just a tad and say: aren’t we all so imperfectly perfect?
Thank you, you stunning gals, you are each magnificent.