August 9, 2023

My irregular posting has felt weird and also right and I’m continually in awe that we’ve all created these little micro-communities (and macro too!) here on the internet.

So. A check in:

Life is wild but settled these days, and—

Life is one large mystery and there aren’t rules and we get to dream as ‘big’ (or as ‘little’) as we want ✨

I’ve been incubating or procrastinating, depending on how you look at it.

I’ve been processing and integrating and shedding.

Some days I feel like Rachel the tour guide and other days I feel much more like Rachel- the permission-giver, the lover of humans, the radically direct + blunt friend- who tells you to get naked more often, or use a yoni egg, or tune into your own pleasure in all the ways you possibly can. The one who wanders around Rome (and the world) appreciating and truly soaking in tiny precious moments. That Rachel.

So what’s next? A continued leap into the abyss, the unknown, the yet-to-be-discovered. It’s exciting. It’s terrifying.

I’ve got big things I’m cooking up for the fall, most excitingly:

Two retreats in one month (October) in two countries! Da links are both in my bio ☝️

I’m trying to refine how I offer coaching and yoga and movement sessions and refine what I call them and create a place where we can disrupt patterns and unfurl gently.

Stay tuned.

I love y’all. You are loved. You deserve it. All of it. And that’s all for now.

Rachel Zitin

American girl living in Rome, living a healthy balance between wellness and wine, yoga and la dolce vita, sharing embodiment practices and real life tools to help you live your best life.


August 15, 2023


July 29, 2023