February 2, 2023

“You pray in your distress and in your need; would that you might also pray in the fullness of your joy and in your days of abundance” The Prophet by Khalil Gibran

My god, so I looked for a quote about (secular, in my particular case) prayer and this came up and it’s the truest, realest, most appropriate thing I could use to express what I wanna express, right now.

I’ve been trottolando (spinning around like a top) for a few months now and it’s been: gorgeous, heart-warming, mind-opening, mind-blowing, exceptionally frustrating, overwhelmingly confusing, deliciously life-changing, lovingly gentle, breathtakingly hard, and so many other conflicting and polarized emotions, thoughts, feelings.

Overall though, it’s been joyful and abundant— just like the above quote says.

I’ve learned more than I could possibly explain in the confines of one post. I’ve learned about myself, about others, about the big glorious world that we inhabit.

I’m not quite sure how to define how I pray, but my goodness: I have prayed.

This lovely series of closeups was done by the talented @adamgavin in Bali a few months ago.

And now? I’m in Namibia, Africa is my 4th continent in the last 4 months and I’m thinking a lot about: luck, creating our own destinies, being grateful, making conscious and unconscious choices and so much more. I’m thinking about prayer and gratitude.

I’m also currently reading Existential Kink by @carolynelliott_ so I’m thinking about praying for all the things I don’t want/don’t think I want too.

This life is a gorgeous prayer-filled mystery. My loving wish is that we all have the courage to know when to say yes, when to say no, and to wink at ourselves either way when our prayers are answered 🙏

Rachel Zitin

American girl living in Rome, living a healthy balance between wellness and wine, yoga and la dolce vita, sharing embodiment practices and real life tools to help you live your best life.


February 16, 2023


January 30, 2023