February 20, 2023

36 spins around the sun 🎂

I don’t know what I thought 36 would “look like” or feel like but I’m really f’ing grateful that this is it.

As I sit in my home (finally, after 3+ months of travel) I’m reflecting on a whole lot of interconnected lessons that I’ve learned over the past months.

Here are 6:

1. It’s never too late, we’re never too old. sometimes I act like “an adult” (whatever that means) other times I act like Peter Pan.
2. The timeline that we are told to operate on is mostly made up and it varies enormously culture to culture, and in different parts of the world.
3. Life is not one size fits all. Not everyone wants the same things and the things we think will make us happy sometimes don’t.
4. There are no “rules”.
5. Learning to say no (a complete sentence) can change your life.
6. But when all else fails: just say YES!

Yes to new experiences, yes to the unexpected, yes to things that scare you a little bit, yes to listening to your own heart, yes to pursuing things that light you up from the inside.

Say yes to things that you think are silly and say yes to things that you worry others might judge you for. Say yes to the mundane and say yes to controversial things, too. Say yes to unlearning some of the harsh rules society has layered on top of your delicious core being.

Try to allow yourself to experience your own inner truth and let that guide you and lead you to unexplored new territory (not just through travel, but also the territory that is your own gorgeous inner world).

Take even bigger and even juicer bites out of this wild precious life. Trust yourself a little more.

My cup is spilling over in all the ways today and I cannot even hardly believe how good this decade has been thus far.

Y’all, allow life to surprise you. It’s gonna do it whether ya like it or not 🫶

Rachel Zitin

American girl living in Rome, living a healthy balance between wellness and wine, yoga and la dolce vita, sharing embodiment practices and real life tools to help you live your best life.


February 23, 2023


February 16, 2023