July 10, 2024
You deserve freedom, rest, pleasure, and play.
An invitation to write it down:
-Where do you want to visit the most? -What’s your most persistent desire?
-Who’s stopping you from creating a life filled with whatever your deepest dreams and wishes are?
Can I tell y’all something?
I regularly pinch myself (still) wondering how in the heck I am so fortunate that *this* is my life. Sometimes I don’t take my own advice and I forget to stop worrying.
I worry about what’s next, and if I’m doing it “right”
Sometimes I worry about timelines, and deadlines, and accomplishments, and achievements. I worry about what my body looks like. I worry about what other people think of me, or don’t think of me.
I worry and worry and then I remember: this is it: I have the freedom of choice, we are all capable of choosing to worry less.
So I do. I worry less. I live in the present more.
There’s still occasional worry. Sure. But when we choose to believe the whole universe is conspiring with us?
We unlock freedom. I want that for you. And for me. And for all of us 🫶