July 8, 2024
Greece mood board 🇬🇷
Dear universe/god/higher power/source:
✨ Show me how good it can get ✨
I’m not sure about a lot of things, but I do know, as James Taylor said:
“Ain’t no doubt in no one’s mind that love is the finest thing around”
Grateful for philia. Grateful for this life. Grateful for all the inspiration that came from this trip. My average screen time was FORTY FOUR minutes per day and if that is not a testament to how magical unplugging is, I don’t know what is. I read two books, one about leading transformational retreats and another book from the 1970s about creativity and pleasure (haven’t finished this one yet). I watched the Greeks and the people vacationing in Greece. I concocted bold and unreasonable thesis statements out of questions like: Why do we worry so much? And why do we work so much? And what is the reason we all live in constant states of discontent? I observed the dialogue in my head that told me to pay attention to how my body looked, and I chose to listen inside and feel how my body felt.
We met an American woman in Poros who was the self appointed president of the Poros’ Friends Club and got to see just how much beauty there is in simplicity. We ate ridiculously fresh food. I spent most of my days salty. I washed my hair two times (once was yesterday, before the plane).
Do I think my screen time will be 44 minutes this week? Absolutely not.
Do I think I’ve forever eliminated negative self talk from my repertoire? Of course not, I’m human.
But does each step in the direction of creating a healthy experience in my head ripple effect into the rest of my life? Why yes, it sure does.
Want to be an embodied woman? I have a techniques and tips and practices to recommend. But nothing compares to unplugging for a week and allowing yourself to be present and in the moment.
This is what we do when you come on retreat in Italy. I’d love to show you how good it can get 🫶