March 7, 2024
Winter is ending!! There are crocuses and little pink blossoms on all the trees and the days are getting longer and longer.
This winter, I wintered HARD. Harder than I ever have. It’s been rejuvenating and illuminating and at times it’s been really solitary. I’ve leaned into that aspect, too.
I’ve been thinking about wellness (how ‘on brand’ of me).
It’s been a few years now since I “officially” entered the #wellness world.
If you’re new here: In 2018 I was a tour guide, a hospitality expert, a girl interested in yoga without pursuing teaching.
Today, in 2024, I’m a retreat leader, a somatic coach, a yoga teacher, a facilitator and a handful of other titles that I’m probably forgetting.
Guess what? Hashtag wellness has solved officially *none* of my problems.
What’s changed me? What’s formed me? What’s created the version of me that I am today?
I could list all the healings, courses, holistic medicine, therapy, readings, energetic cleanses, retreats, trainings, and hours of dedication I’ve invested.
But that’s not really “it”.
What’s made all the difference is:
I’ve lived in Italy nearly 15 years.
What wellness culture is looking for, Italian culture has already found 👉
Slowness. Stillness. Ritual.
Working to live, not living to work.
Slowing the f down. Taking time off. Planning life by when you’re going on holiday next, planning with love and connection (and food!) as your North Star.
Guess what? You don’t have to live in Italy to slow down. You don’t even have to visit (although, please do! It’s wonderful 🇮🇹)
Gift yourself a few minutes of spaciousness in your schedule. Maybe look up from your phone every so often. Maybe appreciate a little thing.
What can *you* do to slow down?
…Not big leaps, but little tiny ‘kitten steps’ as @victoriaalbinawellness calls them, cause truly: remember to be gentle with yourself.