May 27, 2020
The world has been turned upside down. And so have we. There are still a lot of unknowns. And life goes on. There is so much beauty.
I’ve spent the last week (or weeks?) steeping in Rome. Soaking it all in. Feeling this city and watching the joy on all of our (mostly masked) faces as we stumble and skip around the movie set that is Rome these days. The joy of bumping into friends on the streets (something that is less likely when the city is teeming with tourists) and the sheer pleasure of having this city all to ourselves is unlike anything I ever could have imagined a few short months ago.
I’ve been counting my blessings, that’s for sure.
And yet, I’d be lying if I said there haven’t been bouts of insecurity, of uncertainty, of feeding into the nagging fear that maybe this isn’t all okay and where do we go next? It comes in waves, like everything in life. In fact, when I first tried to write this post I was overwhelmed and had to stop. Get some fresh perspective. Breathe in, breathe out. So here I am with a gentle reminder:
Sometimes all we have to do is flip our perspective and return to a state of joy. It’s not always easy. Sometimes it’s impossible. But I’m a firm believer that joy and gratitude truly do reverberate. The more we put out, the more we get back.