September 18, 2023

What’s your purpose? What makes you feel the most alive?

You know the ol’ Howard Thurman quote:

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

I love asking questions and figuring out what makes a person light up. Whether it’s on tour in Rome or teaching yoga or coaching women or leading and facilitating circles, I love watching people get giddy about their lives.

As @craigdeuchar called it in my body-oriented coaching course “sparkle hunting”.

A delightful idea. Watching when people get sparkly and helping them identify where the sparkles come from.

My purpose?
To teach and learn.
To play.
To be as authentic as I can be.
To allow *you* to discover your own authenticity.
To help you love and embody your body.
To create connection and community.
To challenge the status quo that there is one specific set of societal rules we should all follow.
*and that we’re bound to the rules of the society we most closely identify with/come from.

My purpose is to give permission for you to shine as big and bright as you’d like to.

My purpose is to give you permission to rest. To play. To delight and enjoy. To dilly-dally. To daydream. To dream bigger and brighter.

And the honest truth is that these weeks, as I try to redo my website and redefine all the things I offer and write copy, I find myself a little lost, and then found, and then lost again.

But my baseline? There are no rules. Our purpose can change, our purpose does change. We can change.

And you? When was the last time you allowed yourself to truly own all the facets of your gorgeous personality?

📸 in Marrakech, May 2023

Rachel Zitin

American girl living in Rome, living a healthy balance between wellness and wine, yoga and la dolce vita, sharing embodiment practices and real life tools to help you live your best life.


October 1, 2023


September 11, 2023