October 1, 2023
Golden hour light + An Announcement:
I’m moving my longer writing over to Substack.
Why? Cause it’s a place for writing. Cause Instagram is a platform I use for marketing (it’s true!) and sharing Italy and Rome and tidbits on somatics and yoga and bodies and slow-living. I use it to share my daily life and I’m moving the long form version to Substack.
This summer I’ve been posting less. I’ve also been writing a whole lot more. Writing in my notes app and in my journals. Writing on scraps of paper and napkins. Writing in google docs and then leaving it half-finished.
This fall/winter feels decidedly like a nesting time, for me.
It feels like a time to write. Hello, @substackinc 👋
In 2020 I started sharing more long-form feelings and writings and thoughts on here and it was terrifying and then well-received and I still have people talk to me regularly about how much my posts helped them during that time, which is the absolute best compliment ever.
Helping people process life is one of my greatest joys.
I had a conversation about my writing with someone the other day (thank you!!) and it felt like the final push:
I’m ready to move to a platform that’ only about WRITING.
Thus far I’ve posted one thing. My goal is 2x/week plus a bonus for paid subscribers. I anticipate a lot of changing and evolution as I explore what currently feels like a perfect home for my writing.
Being a writer is something I’ve always dreamed of as a source of income, a way to make a living, but something I’ve never *really* pursued. In 2021/2022 I published a few pieces (and even got paid!) and it felt like a dream come true.
So. Here I go. A writer, writing ✍️