September 19, 2024

You deserve pleasure (this both is and isn’t an #ad)

@_katewatts (one of the 12 brave + awe-inspiring women who joined me in Sicily a few weeks ago) sent me a collection of pictures that we took on my LYBS retreat ‘just for fun’.

They’re highlighting some pretty gorgeous products from @onna_lifestyle and I adore them and I’m scared to post them, and I’m doing it anyway.

I can’t post most of the ones she took because women’s 🍑 and nips and bodies are considered too provocative for the internet.

Because we live in a world of shadow bans and censorship. Because it can be so hard to find the balance between being sensual and being ‘appropriate’.

I think that’s what this is all about for me.

We (all women) deserve to feel pleasure. We deserve to feel our sensuality. We deserve to be IN our own bodies.

Receiving them made me gasp and laugh and cry (happy tears), all at the same time. I’ve become the type of woman who can talk about self-pleasure casually and effortlessly. The woman who will get naked in front of a group of my retreat clients and talk to them about @onna_lifestyle not to provoke, but to educate.

Still the type of gal who needs a hype team when I’m naked and definitely the kind who needs support from other women (y’all are the BEST!)

The internet is a weird and wild place. We have to niche ourselves? To market to a specific audience, to censor parts of ourselves and amplify other parts.

So here’s my point: all women deserve to feel comfortable and safe in their bodies and that doesn’t mean you share naked pictures on the internet but it does mean— own *your* right to pleasure and embodiment. Own your right to be in your body, own your right to get to explore the parts of you that remain uncovered. Expose yourself to your own truths and marinate in them.

I am in awe of the process and I am more in love with women and sisterhood than I’ve ever been and I have a deep desire to give permission to the parts of us that we cover up and hide from others.

That’s it. You deserve pleasure. You deserve your be in your body. You deserve your own love.

Rachel Zitin

American girl living in Rome, living a healthy balance between wellness and wine, yoga and la dolce vita, sharing embodiment practices and real life tools to help you live your best life.


September 21, 2024


September 17, 2024