April 4, 2023
There’s no place like home 🏠
If you’ve been following for a while, I consider myself quite lucky cause I have two homes: one is Rome, the land that embraced me and took me in and never let me go. The other is Asheville, where I grew up.
Whenever I see someone I haven’t seen for a while they comment on the wild adventure I had last winter.
Bali! The USA! Namibia!
Yes, yes, yes I reply. And then I tell them that I’m so glad to be home. They want to hear about the adventures, I wanna talk about the sweet relief of returning to my daily life.
Im grateful, grateful, grateful for the adventures I had.
And I’m so glad to be somewhere where I feel planted. I’m so grateful for this apartment (April 1st marked SEVEN years that I’ve lived here!). I’m so grateful for the little things and my morning rituals and the yoga studio I go to and the friends I see and the little tiny things that make life so deliciously worth living.
When I look back at the girl who moved in here 7 years ago, I could never have imagined the life I’d create around me. I once dreamed of having the freedom to teach yoga and coach and write and spend long lazy mornings in sweatpants with hot coffee, dancing around my living room and sitting on my floor doing “nothing”.
A friend told me when I first started coaching that I was a great candidate as a life coach cause I already walk the walk.
I pushed back— I don’t want people to live my life, I want them to live their lives. I want them to do the things that they’ve always dreamed of doing.
For me, one of those things was learning how to do less things, and I’ll forever be grateful for this home that let me do exactly that.
My advice? Write down what you want, and then try to stop doing all the things that aren’t aligned with *that*