August 23, 2023
Yoga is a gift that keeps on giving ☀️
The thing about yoga: it’s not just about bending like a pretzel or balancing on a standup paddle board.
It’s not about showing off, or about having the ‘best’ pose.
Yoga is something we work from the outside, in.
A few years ago, all I wanted was to feel legitimate as a yoga teacher. There was a club and I had the credentials to get in, but I didn’t feel like I really was ‘invited’. And my god, I wanted so badly to be a part of it.
Over the past few years I’ve “achieved” this goal. Once I reached it, it became less important (a pretty common experience when it comes to goals and goal setting, amirite?) Still, yoga informs everything in my life— from how I see the world to what’s most important to me.
Yoga has taught me humility.
Yoga has taught me authenticity.
Yoga informs how I react to things and how I manage my feelings and emotions.
Yoga has taught me about breathing, about moving, about finding resistance inside myself and overcoming it. It’s taught me when overcoming is no longer the goal and how to soften.
Yoga taught me embodiment.
When I coach, I encourage trying yoga. When I lead retreats, I teach yoga as a way to enter our bodies and move in a way that feels oh so good.
So, I don’t talk about yoga that much on here these days, but in the background it’s still very much a part of who I am, how I live, and what I choose to focus my energy on.
And perhaps most importantly, yoga has taught me not to take things so damn seriously. Scroll through to see me attempting a headstand (my god it’s hard and I will get it next year!!) and other golden hour moments.
So that’s it. A little yoga appreciation post. Yoga doesn’t have to be your ‘why’ but I’m sure something is. And I’m here to give you all the permission to find the thing that helps you be the most authentic version of you. You deserve it.