February 6, 2024

“Go to sleep darlings, until the summer comes again”☀️

This quote!! The romance of it! The idea of snow ‘kissing’ the rest of nature! The feeling that winter wraps itself around us like a blanket to keep us snug and cozy.

Pretty lovely, right?

Also— yes, just yes. There is so much going on right now. I know. I feel it. I’ve been hearing it. From clients and best friends and everyone in between.

It’s heavy. The world is heavy. Winter (in the northern hemisphere) is rather heavy. Energy is heavy. I’ve been more aware than ever in my life of just how much more rest I personally need this season.

How much more unscheduled time I “allow” myself to have.

How frequently I have the dialogue in my head about not doing enough, needing to do more and then I remember: Darling, it’s winter.

Let’s romanticize this slow cozy season. Play in the snow like a kid, if you find the opportunity. Delight in the extra blankets on your bed. Pour yourself a cup of tea and get in bed early. Wrap yourself up dramatically before you leave the house and enjoy the warmth that builds between your head and your hat, your gloves and your fingers.

Everything will get done. The snow (metaphorical or literal) will melt.

We are capable of changing our habitual thinking. Start here. Start now. Write a list of all the cozy things about winter that you love and hang it up somewhere.

Enjoy February for what it is. Play more. Rest more. Sleep more. Hibernate.

Give yourself permission to rest. You deserve it.

Rachel Zitin

American girl living in Rome, living a healthy balance between wellness and wine, yoga and la dolce vita, sharing embodiment practices and real life tools to help you live your best life.


February 11, 2024


January 29, 2024