June 22, 2023

I’ve been a little… hesitant to post things that I have arbitrarily categorized as ‘overly esoteric’ or ‘woo-woo’.

I hadn’t really realized my hesitation until I considered what a huge part of my life my spirituality is, and how rarely I go into or mention it on here.

I offer you a lot of practical body-based advice, plenty of things that are or are adjacent to coaching, yoga, general life and pleasure practice, positive thoughts, gratitude, the list goes on.

But, I rarely go into or mention all the rituals, ceremonies, offerings, astrology, mantra, cards, and magic (with a k if I’m really leaning in…) that I practice regularly.

Maybe I want you to wyo to meet me in person or maybe (more likely) I’m just a tiny bit nervous how some of you might react. Not online, I’m not worried about that. I’m worried you’ll read this and think I’m full of it or that I’ve lost my ability to critically think and analyze, or any other number of judgments that humans pass.

And ya know what? I’ve decided I don’t care. I’ve decided that I get to be whoever I want to be. I can contradict myself online just like I do in real life. Just like most of us do.

I can hold space for the girl who loves a sparkling night out and the girl who creates altars in the forest at the exact same time.

This altar, lovingly curated by @curried.with.love was the centerpiece of a weekend that transformed me just like it transformed @laurenissima_unlock_italy and each of our guests on our Yoga & Creativity Retreat last month.

This altar represents sisterhood and acknowledgment of all those who came before us and it was an honor to teach around it over the four days we spent together. We meditated around it. We practiced yoga. We dance our booties off.

This altar is the kinda thing I do, often, proudly and without hesitation—

Rachel Zitin

American girl living in Rome, living a healthy balance between wellness and wine, yoga and la dolce vita, sharing embodiment practices and real life tools to help you live your best life.


June 25, 2023


June 14, 2023