June 7, 2023

These are a few of my favorite things ✨

-Jasmine season
-June, in general
-Long days filled with sunshine
-Overgrown + wild nature (rather than over-groomed and over-perfect gardens)

In the last one there’s a great and obvious metaphor: wild things are often more appealing than tame ones.

To be honest— work and Rome and summertime are consuming me these days. June has started with a bang 💥

I've landed on (one of) the reason(s) and I'll share it here now:

When I tour guide, I expect myself to be perfect. Perfection doesn't exist, but good god do I try. My latest realization in the madness of this season is that I prefer my people imperfect. I want you to be real and honest and direct, even if it's something I may not like.

Can we acknowledge our perceived imperfections and embrace them like this jasmine plant has embraced this building?

Let’s all be more wild, shall we?

Rachel Zitin

American girl living in Rome, living a healthy balance between wellness and wine, yoga and la dolce vita, sharing embodiment practices and real life tools to help you live your best life.


June 9, 2023


May 24, 2023