May 9, 2021

My mama + me + the Mediterranean…

I could have chosen a hundred (a thousand!) other pictures but this one just seemed perfect for today. This is in Tuscany, which is where I currently am. It was taken in October 2013 and it’s the first time that her and I ever looked at the Mediterranean together. It was before the days of posed pictures and thought-out reasons to capture moments. We were just taking it all in.

My mama, @maureenmozi325 is magic. I genuinely don’t know what I would’ve done this past year without her constant support, acknowledgment, encouragement and understanding. She is patient beyond words. She has a laugh that is contagious. She is both gregarious and refined all at the same time. She takes up space in the world and she has taught me through example that it’s okay for me to do the same. She is an accomplished psychotherapist, the founder of an (amazing!) elementary school, an extremely well-studied astrologer and someone who is literally constantly learning new things to share with the world. She reads vivaciously and teaches me new things all the time. She is quick and witty and funny and smart. She is extremely easily entertained and will burst into laughter at things that make other people smile or chuckle under their breath.

My life today looks a whole lot different than I ever could have imagined. So much of who I am today is thanks to my mama’s patient and steady encouragement. In fact, despite being physically distanced this year, I’ve never felt closer to her.

I could go on and on and on. The rest of this week will be filled with gratuitous content of Tuscan hillsides and magical adventures, but today is for all the mama’s out there in the world- whether you’re mothering children or projects or the earth or anything your heart desires

Rachel Zitin

American girl living in Rome, living a healthy balance between wellness and wine, yoga and la dolce vita, sharing embodiment practices and real life tools to help you live your best life.


May 12, 2021


May 5, 2021