November 15, 2020
“Being human is not hard because you're doing it wrong, it's hard because you're doing it right. You will never change the fact that being human is hard, so you must change your idea that it was ever supposed to be easy” - @glennondoyle
I love a photo shoot because inevitably I have a breaking point where I stop taking myself seriously and start hysterically laughing. Two different very human sides of me. These pictures were taken less than two months ago. Isn’t that unbelievable? It is for me. This was the day before Laura and I led an amazing group of nine gorgeous souls on a yoga retreat in Sicily. What a beautiful memory to hold dearly close, despite the craziness of this year (understatement).
Life feels like it’s moving awful fast these days as we dive head first into even more unknown. The year has been so full of plot twists that it’s hard to keep up. We are adaptable and yet we are learning so much at such rapid fire speed that it’s hard to remember it all. I’ve been reminded and reminded again that life’s biggest (and smallest) questions are often only able to be answered in hind sight. Being human is a messy, complicated, beautiful, delightful sticky mess and I love the gentle but stern reminder above: we’re all doing it right.