October 3, 2023

I was looking through videos on my phone from the past month and there was this delicious plethora of pasta and pizza (Italian cuisine is way more than that, but that’s a story for another day).

It made me think about all the years I spent (while I was already living here) not eating the pasta, not eating the pizza, and generally limiting myself to absurdly strange and totally non-functional diets.

The funniest and most ironic part? At 36 years old I’m now in way better physical shape than I was ten years ago. And it’s not just that, cause “looking good” and feeling good are two way different things.

My understanding of my body is way deeper and way more profound. I’ve been on this embodiment journey for over 6 years now and in it I’ve eaten more pasta than ever, treated myself more regularly to foods that bring me pleasure, went from being a strictly black coffee girl to a latte and cappuccino kinda woman.

Our food journey as women is nuanced and complex. I see it again and again, in clients and students and friends. I see women deprive themselves to achieve a standard that’s been photoshopped in the first place.

And so, without any real motivation or message I created a little reel of yumminess to brighten your day today 💛

Our bodies are precious and sacred and holy. Let’s nourish them with love and tenderness 🍝

Rachel Zitin

American girl living in Rome, living a healthy balance between wellness and wine, yoga and la dolce vita, sharing embodiment practices and real life tools to help you live your best life.


October 12, 2023


October 1, 2023